After 18 months on LiveJournal, GamePolitics is sporting a new look.
As of this past Monday, our new site was up & running. You'll still find us on the web at The new site uses WordPress for the blog portion, and has lots of new goodies...
For you LiveJournal die-hards, the bad news is that I'm not going to be updating the LJ any more. However, I will leave it active indefinitely as an archive.
Nor will I be unscreening comments. The need to do that was a big reason for the move.
The new site has an RSS feed as well.
GamePolitics Has Moved !!!
Having Trouble with Audio of Utah Video Game Hearing? GP Can Help
A number of readers have expressed difficulty with trying to listen to the audio of Wednesday's video game hearing before the Utah legislature. If…
Listen to Utah Video Game Bill Hearing...
Audio from yesterday's video game hearing in Utah is now available... Fast forward the recording to 8:24 where the game bill discussion begins.…
Developer Attends Utah Video Game Hearing, Offers Impressions
You want the inside scoop on yesterday's video game law hearing in Utah? We've got it covered like a blanket here at GamePolitics, including the…
Having Trouble with Audio of Utah Video Game Hearing? GP Can Help
A number of readers have expressed difficulty with trying to listen to the audio of Wednesday's video game hearing before the Utah legislature. If…
Listen to Utah Video Game Bill Hearing...
Audio from yesterday's video game hearing in Utah is now available... Fast forward the recording to 8:24 where the game bill discussion begins.…
Developer Attends Utah Video Game Hearing, Offers Impressions
You want the inside scoop on yesterday's video game law hearing in Utah? We've got it covered like a blanket here at GamePolitics, including the…
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